Every time we visit a web page, fill out a form, log into a website, play a game, or pretty much even LOOK at our computers funny - files are created in hidden folders buried deep inside some secret part of your hard drive.
These files are known as cookies.
Cookies hold information like our login name, when we last visited, what we last looked at and may even store our favorite pet's name (lol - if we provided that info). These folders also hold a cache of files that websites think are necessary to make your browsing experience more enjoyable. But, in reality, more often than not, they just clutter up your hard drive and build up until you're surfing the web at the speed of molasses in winter.
Luckily, your browsers come with the ability to clean out these files...
It is recommended you do this when Zoo goes through any major changes or when you simply feel your browsing seems a bit sluggish. Sometimes clearing out our cache and cookies is enough to correct the problems that some people are having.
NOTE: This fix - while healthy for your PC - will not fix every Zoo problem. It is, however, worth a shot and will speed up your zoo world refresh rate (how quickly it responds when you click a link or change screens).
Here's how to do it in some of the most commonly used browsers:
1. Log out of Facebook and scroll down until you find your browser.
2a. Google Chrome:
In the top right hand corner, just under the X to close the window, click on the Wrench Icon and select Options.
In the window that appears, select "under the hood" tab, and click the "clear browsing data..." button. In the next window, make sure "Empty the cache" and "Delete cookies and other site data" are checked. In the dropdown box, Clear data from this period: EVERYTHING.
Click "Clear browsing data"
Click Close
Close the browser and restart it.
Log back into facebook and continue.
2b. Firefox:
Go to Tools>Options
Privacy Tab
Private Data (bottom section)
Click on "Clear Now"
Make sure you have "Cache" and "Cookies" selected
Click "Clear Private Data Now.
Click OK
Close the browser and restart it.
Log back into Facebook
2c. Internet Explorer:
Go to Tools> Internet Options
General Tab
Browsing History (second section)
Click "Delete..." button
Make sure you have "Temporary Internet files" and "Cookies" selected
Click "Delete"
Click OK
Close the browser and restart it.
Log back into Facebook.
2d. Safari:
Click on Safari menu
Select Emtpy Cache.
When asked if you are sure. Click Empty. (duh!)
Click Safari menu (again)
Select Preferences...
Click on Bookmarks (tab?)
Click the button that says "Show Cookies"
In the next window, click "Remove All" button.
Click Done.
Close the browser and restart it.
Log back into facebook.
2e. Opera:
Go to Tools
Select "Delete private data..."
Click on "Details >>"
Select the Boxes "Delete all cookies" and "Delete entire cache"
Click "Delete" button
Close the browser and restart it.
Log back into facebook.
3. Once this is done, let's go clear your Flash Cache! Head over here:
When you visit the Macromedia flash site, you'll see the Settings Manager Control Panel like in the screen capture. Simply click that button that says "Delete all sites" (on the website, that is NOT an image, that is the actual control panel! Here, it's just an image!)
4. Now, be sure you have saved any work or other files/links you don't want to lose, and reboot your computer. I recommend doing a 'hard boot' (completely turn off the computer for approximately 30 seconds, then powering back on) as this clears the capacitors and wakes Windows up again that it's a new day (lol).
5. You should - at the very least - see more speed and a cleaner browsing experience with less drag time and clutter. At the very best, you will be back to building the world's greatest zoo with the world's best people!
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